
The Tooniverse Emissary - Chapter 23

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Chapter 23: Looking for the Control Room

Stanford’s ship decided to get back to the Axiom, after a couple of minutes of retreating. However, the gang were having some…minor issues, as they were getting back.

“Alright, gentlemen.” said Stanford. “One of us has to get into the ship and control it. Who has the capability of controlling an entire system of transportation? I can’t be the one, as I have to control THIS one.”

Cartman raised his hand. “I’ll be the one, sir.” he said.

“You?!” exclaimed Stewie. “Why do you get the ship? You’re a just a little kid!”

“Well, you’re a fucking baby, you goddamn motherfucking hypocrite. I’ll control the ship because I’ve saved the universe before from The Stick of Truth!”

“Dude, what about us?!” shouted Stan.

“Yeah, what the hell man?! We helped!” yelled Kyle.

“Nobody listens to a fucking Jew, you shithead. I KNOW WHAT I’M FUCKING DOING!” Everybody began arguing over each other about who gets to control the ship, when Stanford decided to stop the argument.

“FINE!” exclaimed Stanford, who then points to Cartman. “You get to control the ship, chubby kid. But when we save the multiverse, you’re gonna get a pile of soap in your face.” This was celebration news to Cartman, who began rubbing his face…and butt across everybody’s faces…literally.

Meanwhile, we cut to the Axiom, where the same shadow 10 chapters ago was still spying on the monsters, who were in a big room, relaxing. But this time, he has gathered enough information about each and every one of the monsters. And he was ready to give it all away to somebody he trusts.

After writing the last note he needed on his notebook, he quickly and quietly fled…into a vent which connected between the relaxation room and a secret room where he hides constantly. After some twists and turns, he was finally back to his secret hideout, which was the storage room. The room was filled with boxes of all kinds. Old and new, wood and cardboard, open and closed, full and empty, big and small, tall and short, dusty and clean, etc; packaging peanuts strewn across the floor, as well as unopened boxes with hidden items unknown to man.

Soon, we see who was the spy from 10 chapters ago.

That was none other than Perry the Platypus, who quickly did his animal chatter, signaling his frenemy that he was back. Soon, Doofenshmirtz came out of one of the tall, packaging-peanut covered boxes.

“So, Perry the Platypus…” said Doofenshmirtz. “Were you able to get all that we needed to know about the monsters?”

Perry simply nods.

“Well, that’s great! Soon, we will be able to control the ship and be in control of all that we see! In a good way, of course.”

Perry rolls his eyes.

“But first, we should find anything that could be useful!” So both of them dug around the storage room to find what could be useful. And after their entire search, all that they got were a few revival potions in one box, and a bow with a bunch of arrows in another box, for Doofenshmirtz to use. But that’s all that they found that they felt could be useful.

“Ready?” asked Doofenshmirtz, holding the bow and carrying the bag of arrows.

Perry simply nods his head.

“Then it’s SHOWTIME!” Both of them immediately left the storage room and went through the Axiom, crossing various rooms, hallways, the swimming pools, the stores, etc. Ironically, despite having the bow and arrow, they made sure not to get caught by any of the monsters. That is, being incredibly sneaky, of course.

That’s why they got two boxes as a means of disguise: one tall box for Doofenshmirtz and one small box for Perry to use, with holes cut so that they could see where they were going. They pretty much used the disguises next to a wall, so that the holes could not be seen.

Eventually, they were running across a terrible-looking metal hallway. It looked like it was rotting, with lichen growing on certain parts.

“Ugh.” said Doofenshmirtz. “It’s like nobody’s been on this spot for a long time.”

However, Perry didn’t respond to him, as he was too distracted eyeing something coming towards them. That would be Uncle Grandpa and the rest of the group running. However, they were talking to each other. So they didn’t see the two.

“So, you’re saying that the control room is close by?” asked Uncle Grandpa.

“Of course.” said Plankton. “I know my way around this place more than I know about my computer wife, Karen.”

“What?” wondered Korra.

“You have a wife that’s a computer?” asked Mametchi. “How odd. You’re a plankton.”

“Wife…meaning Wired Integrated Female Electroencephalograph.” said Plankton. “But yeah, I guess you can call it that.”

Since the group didn’t notice the two, Perry saw this as a good opportunity to hide. He pushes Doofenshmirtz to the wall as he runs into the wall as well.

“Perry, what was that?!” exclaimed Doofenshmirtz. However, Perry made a shushing sound, telling him not to make a noise. Unfortunately, Doof’s previous statement caused someone to look.

“Korra, what are you doing?” asked Uncle Grandpa, as the group walks to Korra, who was looking at the boxes.

“I sense somebody is inside.” said Korra. “There’s two boxes in the middle of nowhere, and one of them made a sound…” she slowly picks up the boxes, exposing the shocked two to the rest.

“We’re dead.” said Doofenshmirtz, feeling as if he were melting into the ground. Perry immediately touches him, telling him that he still has the bow and arrow. “Oh, right.”

Both got into their fighting poses, as Korra does the same thing. It looks as if the three were gonna be in a big fight. But Uncle Grandpa and the others touch Korra, telling her that it’s not the time. “Korra, I don’t think we have time to fight these people.” said Uncle Grandpa. “C’mon, we have to go!”

Korra turns around, about to tell them that she’ll be quick. However, she saw a bunch of figures walking towards them. “Um…Uncle Grandpa…” she said. The rest turned around, and saw that all the commotion had caused attention, so there were now dozens of Ippans walking towards them.

“Holey moley! It’s those monsters again!” exclaimed Lord Tourettes.

As the Ippans got closer, Doofenshmirtz immediately shot an arrow into one of the Ippan’s eyes, killing it instantly. All the Ippans stopped as everybody turned to Doofenshmirtz.

“What?” asked Doof. “You think I can’t go Katniss over that guy’s butt?”

“So, you’re one of us? The good guys?” asked Korra. Perry simply nods his head, and through sign language, tells the others that they’re both on their side. The others looked at each other, shrugged, and welcomed in the two.

“GET THEM!” exclaimed one of the Ippans, as all the Ippans run towards them. The others get in their fighting poses, and began to run through all the Ippans, fighting and whacking them out of their way, as Plankton continues to be in the lead.

The Ippans still tried their best to attack, but the team was able to get out of the hallway with little trouble. After going through them, they kept running through the Axiom: various rooms, hallways, the swimming pools, the stores, etc.

Eventually, they all had to stop to catch their breath, knowing that they ran for a long time.

“So, Plankton, how close are we?” asked Korra.

“We’re pretty close, but it’ll take about 20 minutes if we run.” said Plankton. “Why the heck did they make the ship so darn big?!”

“20 minutes?!” exclaimed Mametchi. “That long?!”

“Well, sure. We have to be there as soon as possible…but, what’s the matter?” asked Plankton. “What’s all the rush about?”

“Oh…nothing. It was just about…her.” he said, sadly. Uncle Grandpa walked to him and began talking to him.

“You mean that Lovelitchi you’re talking about?” he asked. Mametchi nodded his head, looking quite down. “Yeah…a friend can mean so much, that when something happens to him or her, you feel really worried. But don’t worry. We’ll be sure to find the captives, including your girlfriend.”

Although Mametchi nodded, he immediately turned red and looked shocked. “G-Girlfriend?! NO! I don’t think of Lovelitchi like that! She’s my friend!”

“Yeah, what the hell man?!” exclaimed Tourettes. “Why are you teasing him?” The others looked at UG and shook their heads in disappointment, but Uncle Grandpa just chuckled.

“I’m just kidding.” he said, chuckling and leaving. “C’mon, let’s keep going.” As everybody rolls their eyes and continues along with him, Mametchi can’t help but wonder if Uncle Grandpa was right. And don’t worry, some of you readers. It’s not really an important plot point.

After a long while, the team were getting close to the control room. “We’re almost there.” said Plankton. “Just a few more minutes.”

However, in another hallway, as they passed what appeared to be a very large metal door, strange inaudible sounds could be heard. Everybody just stopped at walking and turned to the metal door, wondering what was going on in there. “Do we even have the time?!” exclaimed Plankton.

“Well, we ARE also looking for the four.” said Mametchi.

“I suppose we can take a little peek.” said Korra. “Besides, we can fight back if they’re not there, and it’s some kind of monster.”

“Here’s hoping.” said Uncle Grandpa, as he slowly opens the metal door. The team then enters the room.

The room looked very unpleasant. Not in terms of aesthetics. Quite the opposite. The room didn’t look like it was falling apart; it was beautiful-looking and was also really clean from dust or dirt. The reason it was unpleasant was because of the tone. For example, there were three cages hanging from the ceiling, with a vial on each one, and despite the room’s shine, it was really dark, with the only light being from the outside that the team came from.

As the group looked around the room, Perry immediately heard trembling the further he went inside, and Informs the others of what he hears. The group decides to listen even further, and sounds of crying and fear were now audible to their ears.

Mametchi decided to speak up.

“Hello??” asked Mametchi. “…is somebody there?”

It must’ve not been rocket science for one of the figures to instantly recognize his voice, because she soon began to walk out of the shadows. I mean, sure…she could see him, but she had to make sure by his voice that it was really him.

“Mametchi?” asked the figure. Mametchi soon began to recognize that voice as well.

“That voice…” said Mametchi. “…is it…” Soon enough, the figure came out of the shadows and into the light, revealing it to be Mametchi’s friend, Lovelitchi. “LOVELITCHI!” he exclaimed, tears falling from his eyes. He was overjoyed. Lovelitchi, also crying, was happy to see her best friend there.

“MAMETCHI!” exclaimed Lovelitchi, as both of them run to each other and hug tightly.

“Oh, Lovelitchi…I’m so glad you’re safe. I was really starting to worry about you…like you d…d…d…” Lovelitchi, however, closed his mouth.

“It’s okay, Mametchi. While I was captured by those terrible monsters, they just threw me in there with the other three. That’s all. They didn’t harm me in any way, so stop worrying.” Lovelitchi then notices the others, and becomes confused. “Um…Mametchi…who are these guys?”

“Oh.” Mametchi then stops hugging her and introduces them. “These are my new friends. They’ve been helping me find you and the others.”

As everybody waves to her, Lovelitchi instantly remembered the three she was just talking about. “Oh, I almost forgot! C’mon, you guys. It’s safe.” So Arlene, Woodstock and Hakase immediately ran towards Lovelitchi. “These are my new friends…Arlene, Woodstock and Hakase.”

After some calming down, everybody began introducing each other and began explaining stuff to each other as well.

“So, just to be sure again, you were thrown in here?” asked Korra.

“Yes, we were.” said Arlene. “However, before we were thrown into this dark room, we saw that the monsters were holding another cat hostage. He’s forced to control the ship.”

“Oh, dear.” said Uncle Grandpa. “That means we gotta get to the control room now! We’ll save those other guys in the cages later!” However, as they were about to go, the door immediately closed on its own, trapping them all inside. The lights turned on as well.

“OH COME ON!” shouted Doofenshmirtz. “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!”

Perry turned around and saw that some substance was dropping down into the three cages. He chattered to get everybody’s attention, and pointed to the cages, causing everybody to see what was happening. At that point, the substance had identified the vials and dropped down to the ground, forming into doppelgangers.

Those doppelgangers were of Sandy, Gary and Mr. Krabs. After looking at each other’s bodies, they turned to the team.

“OH, MY GOD! IT’S A FUCKING MONSTER!” yelled Tourettes.

“Language…” said Mr. Gus.

“NO TIME to be talking!” exclaimed Korra. “The monsters are heading towards us!” Everybody then got into their fighting poses and ran for the doppelgangers, who were running towards them as well. A typical fight was about to ensue…

However, Doofenshmirtz shot arrows onto all three of the monsters, bullseye in the hearts. The monsters look at each other, shocked before exploding into nothingness. Everybody then turned and looked at Doofenshmirtz funny. “What?” asked Doofenshmirtz. “You think every battle should be elongated?” Everybody just agreed, shrugging. The door then opened on its own, freeing everybody.

“Hey, look!” exclaimed Pizza Steve. “WE’RE FREE!”

“Hold it…before we go, let’s just save those three.” said Uncle Grandpa. “We’ll save some time if we do this now instead of going back after we control the ship.”

“Ugh…fine.” said Plankton. “Just be quick.”

So Perry got some of the revival potions, and accurately threw them into the three vials in the cages. The goop of the three vials fell down into the floor, and quickly morphed back into Sandy, Gary and Mr. Krabs, lying down on the floor…unconscious.

“Are they alive?” asked Hakase.

“Let’s find out.” said Mr. Gus, walking to the three bodies. As he was about to poke them, the three bodies slowly woke up on their own. “Yep, they’re alive.” The three then began to look around, and noticed that they were alive.

“We’re alive…” said Sandy.

“And…yeah, we’re alive…” said Mr. Krabs. The three come closer as the two hug each other and Gary. Then they see the rest of the team. “Who are you?”

“C’mon! We gotta go already!” exclaimed Plankton, as Mr. Krabs noticed him.

“PLANKTON!!” shouted Mr. Krabs, as the three angrily came towards him.

“HOLD ON, MR. KRABS!” exclaimed Plankton. “I’m on the good side now! So don’t you dare squish me!”

“I don’t believe a word you said there!” However, Uncle Grandpa gets inbetween them.

“Does everybody have to be fighting?!” he exclaimed.

“HEY, STRANGER! Your friend here has actually tried to kill us!” shouted Sandy.

“Well, now he’s on our good side. But we can’t explain now. WE HAVE TO GO ALREADY!” exclaimed Korra. So everybody began to run out one by one, until Perry was the last before the three free captives.

“I’m gonna keep an eye on that fiend.” said Mr. Krabs. However, as the three were about to leave, Perry points his finger down, telling them that they have to stay. The three, of course, were both confused. “Hey, why are you keeping us here?! We’re coming with you!”

Perry responded by pointing his finger down again, insisting that they stay to keep themselves safe.

“But-“ before Sandy, Gary and Mr. Krabs could argue, Perry glared at them, showing them that he wasn’t changing his mind. So, the three stayed silent as the rest of the group left the room. The door then closed in on the three, looking at each other, wondering what they were gonna do.

20-8-5 20-5-1-13 8-1-4 14-15-23 12-5-6-20 6-15-18 20-8-5 17-21-5-19-20 6-15-18 20-8-5 3-15-14-20-18-15-12 18-15-15-13. 20-8-5-25 8-1-22-5 20-15 19-20-5-1-12 9-20 2-1-3-11 1-14-4 19-20-15-16 13-15-18-5 9-14-22-1-19-9-15-14-19 6-18-15-13 20-8-5 7-15-15-14-19.

2-21-20 23-8-1-20 23-9-12-12 8-1-16-16-5-14 14-15-23 20-15 20-8-5 20-8-18-5-5? 5-22-5-14 20-8-15-21-7-8 20-8-5-25 1-18-5 14-15-23 3-15-13-16-12-5-20-5-12-25 6-18-5-5?

Read and review. :)

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